The Legal Stuff 

  1. COMPENSATION. This Contract is valid only on payment of the amounts specified above. The retainer fee, in order to retain DJ's services, is due at the time this agreement is executed. The remaining balance is due within 30 days of event. DJ services will not be delivered until the balance is paid in full. Failure by Client to make payments as scheduled may be deemed a material breach of this Contract. In the event of material breach, the DJ, at their option, may cancel this Contract and be relieved from any further obligation of performance.

  2. PAYMENT METHODS. Payment may be made via check or by credit card. Please make all checks payable to Spin Dr Entertainment.

  1. CANCELLATION OF YOUR EVENT OR BREACH. If the wedding is cancelled or postponed, all retainer fees paid are nonrefundable. Retainer fee can be applied to new date, within 2 years of the date of this contract, if DJ is available for such date. Should Client otherwise fail to perform under this contract, the full amount due under this Contract will become immediately due and payable as liquidated damages. Client acknowledges that the amount of the retainer fees paid shall be liquidated damages in the event of breach, because the actual amount of the DJ's damages would be difficult or impossible to determine.

  1. REQUIREMENTS. Client shall provide DJ with safe and appropriate working conditions. This includes a 12 ft x 12 ft Area for setup [approximately], space for setting up speakers and lighting (if applicable). DJ requires a minimum 15-20 amp circuit outlet, three prong grounded, from a reliable power source within 50ft of the DJ setup area. This circuit must be free of all other connected loads. Any delay in performance due to improper power is the responsibility of the client. Additional outlets on separate circuits for lighting are required.

  1. WEATHER. If this is a “Rain or Shine” event, DJ’s compensation is in no way affected by inclement weather. For outdoor performances, Client shall provide overhead shelter for DJ set-up area. The DJ reserves the right, in good faith, to stop or cancel the performance should the weather pose a potential danger to the DJ, the DJ equipment, or audience. Every effort will be made to continue the performance. However, safety is paramount in all decisions. The DJ’s compensation will not be affected by such cancellation.

  1. ACCESSIBILITY. For DJ to be ready to perform at requested start time, the DJ must be permitted to begin set-up 60 minutes prior to the start time. Additionally, DJ must be provided 60 minutes after the event for takedown time.

DJ also requests ramp or elevator access between parking/service entrance and set-up area. If equipment must be carried up a flight of stairs, additional labor will be charged at a rate of 100.00. This will be discussed before booking.


  1. THREATS OR HARM. In the event of circumstances deemed to present a threat or implied threat of injury or harm to DJ or any equipment in DJ’s possession, DJ reserves the right to cease performance. If the Client is able to resolve the threatening situation in a reasonable amount of time (approximately 30 minutes), DJ will resume performance in accordance with the original terms of this agreement. Client shall be responsible for payment in full, regardless of whether the situation is resolved or whether DJ resumes performance. In order to prevent equipment damage or liability arising from accidental injury to any individual attending this performance, DJ reserves the right to deny any guest access to the sound system, music recordings, or other DJ equipment.


  1. VENUE AND PERMITS. The DJ is limited by the guidelines of the location or venue, such as noise decibels being restricted. Negotiation with the location or venue is the Client’s responsibility; the DJ will only offer technical recommendations. The Client is responsible for acquiring all permits and necessary permission for all locations on which the DJ will be performing services.

  1. LIABILITIES AND WAIVER OF DAMAGES. The DJ represents that reasonable care is taken with respect to providing DJ services at your wedding. However, in the even DJ fails to comply with the obligations of this contract, for any reason, including but not limited to events outside of the DJ’s control or the DJ’s own negligence, the DJ's liability shall be limited to a refund of all payments made by you. If there is any failure to provide certain services you have requested or which were discussed at the planning meeting, such omissions shall not void this agreement nor be a breach of this agreement and will not cause any compensation to be made to the Client and the DJ shall not be liable for the same.

  1. ARTISTIC RIGHT. The DJ retains the right of discretion in selecting the music played. All attempts are made to play the "clean" version of all songs, but in some instances "unclean" words may mistakenly be played.

  1. TRAVEL FEES. The Client may be asked to pay $ .55 per mile for additional travel fees if more than 60 miles outside of 53085. This contract will be adjusted if such payment is necessary.

  1. CHARGES AND COLLECTION. Client will be charged a $100.00 for returned checks

  1. SAFE WORKING ENVIRONMENT. It is the responsibility of the Client to provide a safe working environment for the DJ. If the safety, health, well-being or life of the DJ or the DJ’s equipment is in jeopardy, both perceived or real, the DJ may remove themselves and all equipment from the premises or event. If safe, the DJ will give notice to the Client of the danger presented to the DJ and/or the DJ’s equipment before leaving the premises. In such a situation, the DJ will not be held liable for any missed coverage of the events of the day. The DJ shall be entitled to retain all monies paid hereunder and the Client agrees to relieve and hold the DJ harmless and without liability as a result of an incomplete wedding or event coverage.


  1. IMAGE USE BY DJ / MODEL RELEASE. The DJ may use images taken, in any form, for any personal or commercial purpose, including but not limited to marketing materials, editorial submissions and use, or for display within the DJ’s website. Client releases the DJ from any right in the image that Client may claim through it and agrees that the DJ has an expressed right to use the image as stated above without any further compensation to the Client. The DJ is not obligated to notify the Client before making use of the images in any medium and may use Client’s name or an alias.

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